In Nursery children are encouraged to have a small snack and a drink of milk or water every day. At present the cost of £1.50 each week which helps pay for your child's daily snack and also for special celebrations such as birthdays, Easter, Halloween, St Andrew's Day and Chinese New Year etc.
We aim to promote healthy eating by providing fresh fruit and vegetables, wholemeal bread, etc. Milk will continue to be offered, free of charge, with water offered as an alternative. Please let us know if your child has an allergy to a particular food or to milk.
We are changing how snack is paid we would now like to do this on a termly basis rather than weekly. This will make the system a much easier and faster way to deal with snack money rather than searching for the exact amount each week.Our preferred option would be for you to pay online with Ipayimpact.
(New starts to Nursery need to wait for Login's & passwords to be created for ipay impact these will be issued ASAP.)
If you do wish to pay in cash please send money in the small A5 pocket that has been placed inside in your child's home link folder each term. If you are going to be paying on Ipayimpact please just let the Nursery or Mrs Headridge in the school office know that this is the method you will be using to pay.
Here is breakdown of this year's Nursery Snack. We will send reminders home when the time comes in home link folders.
Termly Basis | Amount |
Term 1 - 21st August - 11th October | £10.50 |
Term 2 - 21st October - 20th December | £13.50 |
Term 3 - 6th January - 3rd April | £19.50 |
Term 4 - 20th April - 26th June | £15.00 |
Alternatively, the cost for the full year is £58.50.
If you have any questions or queries regarding this please do not hesitate to contact the school office. Thank you once again for your support.